
Nutritional content of Baobab powder.

Six times more vitamin C than oranges, twice as much calcium as milk

  • Makes a great milk substitute
  • Great when added to smoothies
  • Great for sprinkling and adding to cereals (Corn meal porridge, Oats porridge  etc..)
  • Makes a great nutritious and refreshing drink.
  • Great ingredient in baking, acts as a rising agent.

With over 250mg/g of calcium baobab powder contains twice as much calcium as milk. Baobab is the richest known plant source of calcium. Calcium is vital in the building and maintaining of bones and teeth. Calcium helps prevent Brittle Bone Disease (Osteoporosis).

Baobab powder is a rich source of iron, containing 3.6mg/100g. This is more than foods traditionally recommended for their high iron content such as lentils, spinach  and red meat. Iron makes up an important part of hemoglobin, a substance in blood that carries oxygen throughout the body. Iron also carries oxygen in muscles, helping them function properly. Iron helps increase resistance to stress and disease.

2120mg/100g of potassium is contained in baobab powder,which is almost six times higher than banana, which is frequently recommended by nutritionists due to its high potassium content.Potassium is an important mineral for a healthy body, it's very good for the nervous system, brain and muscle function.

Dried baobab powder is a rich source of magnesium, containing 144.5mg/g. Magnesium is linked to heart health, bone health and the lowering of high blood pressure.

The ORAC (Radical Absorbance Capacity) baobab powder is measured at a value of over 650/g which is a antioxidant level more than twice that of Goji berries, and more than six times that of blackberries, blueberries and cranberries. Antioxidants helps the body rid itself of free radicals, which if not tackled causes a lot of harm to the body.

Vitamin C
At 100mg/100g baobab powder contains six times more vitamin C than oranges.Vitamin C is water soluble and an antioxidant vitamin and cannot be stored in the body.It is excreted regularly, so you have to supply it regularly to the body.Vitamin C is useful for healthy gums to help in the protection against infections.It also strengthens many parts of the body such as blood vessels and muscles.
